Picture this: You are the supervisor of a renowned hospital, currently holidaying in Bahamas. While you are relaxing on the beach, you want to know if all is well back at the hospital. Typically you would have to call each department and find out the details. Not anymore.
Thanks to ‘Report Writing Tool’, you can fire your laptop, log on to your dashboard and instruct the tool to fetch you real time reports of the number doctors and other staff on the floor/ number of patient admissions/discharges/revenue and so on. You can even sort them as you like, get an analysis of the report and compare them.
Report writing tool being a very recent addition to healthcare, makes all the gritty details of the business that are often buried deep within a large organization available at a glance to whoever has access to it. It automates the entire report writing process with options to select drag and drop the subject on which you need a report providing a highly interactive and easy to use web-based design interface for even the non IT business users.
Some features are:
- Easy and live interaction with reports, designed specifically for ease of use
- Drag and drop designer to add, move, and delete fields directly within the report
- In-line formatting, filtering, sorting, grouping, aggregations and summary calculations
- Template-based report creation for immediate productivity
PARAS HMIS can integrate itself with third party report writing tools to generate reports on a real time basis. It also has its own business intelligence tool which additionally provides statistical and analytical intelligence, interactive dash boards, drill and authorized data.