In healthcare, there is no room for any medical errors. A small misdiagnosis can lead to irreplaceable consequences. Hospital without integrated EHR does not have patient record electronically maintained due to which doctors have limitation in accessing those at his workbench while giving treatment to the patient. This situation leads to unavailability of patient critical data while diagnosing a patient.
With HIMS, patient history, medical condition, allergies are stored electronically in EHR. The doctor constantly refers to the EHR before diagnosing patients. This eliminates the chances of doctor prescribing a reactive medicine. Also, misdiagnosis is largely covered by assistance from CDSS (Clinical Diagnosis Support System).
CDSS can be understood as an intelligent search engine that can suggest diseases when doctors feed patient symptoms in the system. The search is based on medical journals. Together CDSS and EHR assist the doctor in achieving accuracy of diagnosis and so, help the hospital in stepping up their standard of patient care.