Priorities have shifted in the Healthcare Industry. It is not just about providing patient care anymore. It is about providing better patient care and patient management by integrating the entire facility.
Enter the Next generation wired hospitals. The credit of this shift goes to the healthcare visionaries, user champions who endorsed the idea of wired hospitals and HMIS vendors who have been working through all these years to make the idea of a fully integrated multi location wired hospital, a reality.
Srishti has spent the last 10 years in the Industry endorsing the idea of integrated multi location hospitals and have delivered IT systems in hospitals with a 100% success rate. We are doing this blog series on ‘successful implementation’ and continuing in the same vein, we asked our implementation experts about ‘Data collection and integration’ in the implementation phase. Data collection, they told us is the process where hospital specific data such as patient information, billing information, finance details etc is migrated to the IT system to be deployed. This lets user champion and staff of the hospital relate to the new system and ease change management.
Our implementation experts firmly believe that data collection is a crucial stage to be planned well in detail. If not planned properly the roll out and live may be hampered. To prevent that, we follow best practices of data collection by planning and prioritizing in advance so we can be unobtrusive and yet meet our deadlines of implementation.