Healthcare Industry witnessing rapid growth, each year new workforce is added and management of workforce is a gaining strategic focus in several hospitals. Multi location hospitals are increasingly seeking answers on effectively managing their labour intensive HR Operations at all…
The lack of integration among various disparate applications operating within hospitals leads to high cost and poor management. Given the state of economy, budget cuts, Industry leaders have felt the need for a fully integrated infrastructure in which all systems…
This vacuum is fulfilled by Activity Based Costing tool provided by Paras HMIS. ABC tool identifies resources in the hospital and assigns cost to each of them to analyze profit, loss et al. Typically, hospitals incur three types of expenses…
Image Management Business Solution is an enterprise software application widely used by Hospitals in combination with PACS (Picture Archive Communication System) to streamline the processes of the Radiology Department.
Lack of sufficient funds and high patient flow has rendered several government hospitals overburdened and over stretched for resources. Despite their best efforts, the quality of patient care takes a serious tumble as they struggle to keep up with these…