No matter how ground breaking your Start Up idea is, it would not see the light of the day unless funding is set up right. Again, no matter how skilled your Sales and Marketing teams are if your Finance team fails to manage money flowing into the start up, the company is likely to end up on the wrong side.
Ajay Shankar Sharma, summarized his learning to Entrepreneurs at the Finance-4startups event organized by NSRCEL. NSRCEL of IIMB is a platform for Startups to learn and grow. It organizes sessions on every first Saturday of the month. The event was attended by more than 220 delegates. Most of the attendees were either entrepreneurs or were exploring that road. Ajay spoke about sources of procuring finance for a startup. He was joined by Prof. Padmini Srinivasan and Prof. Pratapagiri Subramanayan. Other than procuring finance, there were sessions on taxation by Prof. L Sridhar.
Srishti Software today, is recognized as one of best examples of success stories in the Industry. Started, in the year 1997, Srishti has managed to establish global footprints and have acquired dedicated clientele against a very impressive time curve.