The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is an account of patient health information generated during patient visits to the hospital. A typical EMR includes information like patient demographics, progress notes, problems, medicine, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports. World over, EMR is used in hospitals to automate and streamline clinical workflow. EMR allows easy access to doctors and other administrative staff, thus improving critical care. Despite these advantages, adoption of EMR is still at its nascent stage.
Analysts believe, in developed markets, perception may be the big challenge as EMR may be considered a threat to patient personal records and privacy. Spillage of this sensitive information can not only cause mental agony for its owner, but can seriously expose the hospital for heavy litigation payments. Adherence to international standards such HIPPA can improve the adoption rates in these markets. In developing markets the reason for low adoption of EMR is the lack of skilled IT workforce in hospitals. An efficient training post the implementation of EMR can transform technology averse workforce into productive users.
EMR, offered by PARAS, our HIS product complies with HIPPA and other security compliances to take care of patient security. Further, Srishti provides hands on training to hospital workforce in dispelling their fears and helping them improve their efficiency through EMR.